With the arrival of a new bunch of light modifiers, I was keen to get my model portfolio updated and refreshed for 2018, and worked with experience model Tasha Johnson.
The look we were going for was minimum light, and the three hour model session included head shots, lingerie, and topless.
Starting off with head shots, and lit with just one beauty dish and honeycomb grid, this brought out the striking blue in Tasha's eyes, and to say we were both happy with the finished images was an understatement.
Eventually moving onto lingerie. These set of images were lit with one rectangular soft box, with a honeycomb grid. Using the honeycomb grid allows more direct use of the light and creates less fall out. On most of these images, we had the use of Tasha's partner, stood using a reflector to bounce a little bit of light back towards the model, and also a few with a speed light between the backdrop and the model, giving us just little bit of light separation between Tasha and the black background.
Finally moving onto the topless images, and these were shot with a combination of lighting. Some just lit with a single beauty dish with honeycomb grid, and others with the rectangular soft box, again with honeycomb grid.
Tasha was a fantastic model to work with, needing little or no direction when it comes to poses, and you could tell that she is very experienced. Needless to say it won't be the last time we will be working together, and she already has some ideas for future shoots, and some outdoor shoots too, once the weather gets a little warmer.