Ooooo it's hot!!!!!

June 18, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Has to be the hottest day of the year today, 18th June.....


.....and also my birthday, so spent most of the day just chilling out, enjoying the sun, and have camera at the ready as always.

Shooting garden insects, particularly bees, wasps etc., is something I've never tried before, and whilst sitting in the shade a couple of them decided to help themselves on the flowers.

With my sigma 70-300 lens attached, camera in aperture priority mode, and ISO bumped up to 3200 to enable me to get a fast shutter speed, particularly as they move fast, and it's not easy shooting at the 300mm end of a long lens.

With these shots I used an aperture of f/7.1, this giving me enough to blur out the background, and maintain a fast shutter speed.

I also shot in burst mode, with over 50+ frames shot in just over a minute.

After a little editing in Lightroom and Photoshop these are the 2 shots I was most pleased with.

_DSC6019_DSC6019Summer Bees working _DSC6021_DSC6021Summer Bees working

They look the same shot, but there is a subtle difference between the two, and also framed using the rule of thirds.

Now back to enjoying the sun, the rest of my birthday, and off for a curry......yes just what you need on a hot day!!!!


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