Reykjavik - Day 3 - Blue Lagoon & Northern Lights Night Cruise

March 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Final full day...and knackered isn't the word!!! 7am alarm clock, down for breakfast then the coach to the Blue Lagoon.

Slightly worrying that already on reception desk there is a notice stating that the night cruises have been cancelled tonight....will worry later as tiredness and chilling out is needed first.

Although there is slight disappointment that the Northern Lights have escaped us to far, we are still really enjoying our stay so far and this is another highlight.

The Blue Lagoon is situated near the geothermal Svartsengi power plant and is just an amazing experience. Once inside you get a wrist band attached that has a chip installed into it, and you use this band to pay for towels, robes, drinks and food whilst using the outside spa.

It's just a weird feeling, walking out in the freezing cold in your swimwear, and then into the lovely warm spa, where you can swim or walk all the way around and stay really nice and warm. It's strange too how in one area it could be almost boiling, yet 2 feet away a little more tepid, but still warm. Also amusing is wandering round here with your body in the nice warm spa, whilst holding a cold beer lol.

Blue LagoonBlue LagoonLowry Theatre

We arrived there around 10:15am, tired but looking forward to a nice chilled out afternoon, and it seemed the bus driver may have had little sleep the night before and was irritable...kept pressing the point that he was picking us up at 12:30, and not on gods clean earth were we going to rush our time there. Can't understand why he said this, as you get a little timetable stapled to your bus tickets that clearly display buses on the hour back to Reykjavik.

Blue LagoonBlue Lagoon

Can't recommend a visit to here highly enough. You can even cover your face and body in a Silica mud mask, leave it on for 5 minutes then wash it off and it leaves your skin nice and smooth.

We stayed in here till around 2pm, a good enough time to chill out and recharge the batteries and catch the 3pm bus back to Reykjavik.

Finally back to the hotel to find out that the Northern Lights cruise had been cancelled due to alas the lights have beat us this trip!!!

Needless to say though I will be back and hunt the lights again!!


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